About Me

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Aloha! I am Kara Lynn Sanders. Most people call me Kai (rhymes with hi, sky and bye). I am originally from Heaven (just trying to make my way back). I am a daughter of God and am directed by Him to do His work according to His purposes. My greatest passion is being a mom to the super, ultra-coolest son. His name is Wisdom. He is my heart beating outside of my chest. He has given me my dream career and is my dream client. We were created to change the world for good. Other things about me. I am: *A humanitarian (born on Human Rights Day), *A CBB (Chief Bushel Blaster) and *An Every.Black Entrepreneurial Mastermind. *A Mastermind through the Motivation Reader's Mastermind Network I hope you enjoy being here with me. Thank you for investing your time here. I hope you enjoy many returns. Enjoy creating your amazing day. May your choices make it the best day ever. Peace, Love and God's continued blessings. Always...(s.m.i.l.e.)

Thursday, September 12, 2013

1 Nephi 3:15-16 - Keeping the Commandments

 1 Nephi 3

15 But behold I said unto them that: As the Lord liveth, and as we live, we will not go down unto our father in the wilderness until we have accomplished the thing which the Lord hath commanded us.

16 Wherefore, let us be faithful in keeping the commandments of the Lord; therefore let us go down to the land of our father’s inheritance, for behold he left gold and silver, and all manner of riches. And all this he hath done because of the commandments of the Lord.

I am grateful for the direction these verses provide.  I am here in Raleigh for a reason and I should make NO plans to leave until I have accomplished what the Lord sent me here to do.  What more is there to say...?  EXCEPT..."let [me] be faithful in keeping the commandments of the Lord."  Please!

Let me not get me.  Help me stay focused on my faith!  I claim that in the name of Jesus Christ, Amen.

1 Nephi 2:20-23 - A Ruler and A Teacher

1 Nephi 2

20 And inasmuch as ye shall keep my commandments, ye shall prosper, and shall be led to a land of promise; yea, even a land which I have prepared for you; yea, a land which is choice above all other lands.

21 And inasmuch as thy brethren shall rebel against thee, they shall be cut off from the presence of the Lord.

22 And inasmuch as thou shalt keep my commandments, thou shalt be made a ruler and a teacher over thy brethren.

I am grateful for these personal messages to me so I can better understand my journey and my messages.  Personally speaking, I know that my choice land, my promised land is Africa.  I'm only going there by keeping the commandments, God's personal commandments, for my life.  That's all I want to do anyway!  I know I'm prospering in the way Christ does and I know the lord will provide funds, too, as I need them.  Then it talks about my "brethren" again.  

This message I feel is directly related to my brothers of African ancestry, the men I'm seeing myself engaged with in conversation daily.  It's interesting that the lord tells Nephi that when his brothers rebel against him they will be cut off from God, His blessings, His Spirit, His favor, etc.  Why?  This seems like such a harsh consequence for ignoring their little brother.  Well...think about it!  If God sends someone to you with a message especially when you've been praying for it OR when it's been something in your heart, and your reject the message and/or the messenger then you are rejecting Him who sent them.  This is how this feels...way too often!  

Ohhhh...the"easy" stuff can be swallowed like a drink of cold water on a hot day.  But the stuff that means you have to change or is outside your realms of imagination because you've never heard it before is more like trying to swallow sand in the desert.  In those instances you've got to sit back, relax and experiment upon the word.  If it comes from God He will give you favor and confirm the word, just like He did for Nephi.  He confirms it to the mind and to the heart!  But this cannot come if you don't wanna know and my brothers act like they don't wanna know.  And that is hard for me to swallow, like the sand in the desert!

I can understand why Nephi is so grieved because his brothers could know for themselves.  Interestingly enough Nephi is also promised that he would be a ruler and a teacher over his brethren inasmuch as he keeps the commandments.  I see this as true in my life too but really wish it wasn't.  It is such a heavy responsibility.  Since it is though I pray and am working for it to not remain that way.  I want to dispense knowledge in a way it can be applied and then taught again without it being corrupted.  That's what Jesus wanted and it's what He did.  It's how He taught.  

The only reason His message became corrupt is because the people who heard it listened in their corrupt state of mind and passed it on in that same state thereby corrupting the message. It was no longer the message Jesus originally spoke but a version void of the real meaning.  As it has continued through the centuries, modified by corrupt men and women, people gather whatever meaning they want from the words Jesus spoke and fit them into the way they want to live their lives.  The true way to live the gospel is by learning God's ways and His meaning of His words to live the life He has ordained.  This the essence of eternal life, God's life!

We can claim our inheritance in this life and really we are supposed to as we submit to God's will.  If we are living His life, eternal life here, it simply continues when we enter the estate.  Oh to get my brothers to understand would be a blessing.  And even more so with my sisters.  One step at a time...  I just want no one to rebel.  I just want to be that teacher only ruling over myself, teaching others how to rule where they are called and nowhere else.  I'm not trying to be more than I am.  I just want to be who God needs me to be.  That's been more than I anticipated but I've asked to be used so He's going to qualify me so I can be worthy to be used.  I'm willing to do that; to go through the cleansing, purifying process to live God's life and be used for His purposes. 

I know Nephi felt the same way.  That's why I declare, as he did, that I have many afflictions through the course of my days but know God's goodness ALL of them.  Because I have submitted to His will for my life and tried to show God that my mind Loves Him by studying His word the life of His Son, then mysteries have been unfolded to me and I rejoice.  I pray I am worthy to lead others to do, feel and be the same. 

In the name of Jesus Christ, Amen. 

Wednesday, September 11, 2013

1 Nephi 2:16-19 - Grieved For and By My Brothers

1 Nephi 2

16 And it came to pass that I, Nephi, being exceedingly young, nevertheless being large in stature, and also having great desires to know of the mysteries of God, wherefore, I did cry unto the Lord; and behold he did visit me, and did soften my heart that I did believe all the words which had been spoken by my father; wherefore, I did not rebel against him like unto my brothers.

17 And I spake unto Sam, making known unto him the things which the Lord had manifested unto me by his Holy Spirit. And it came to pass that he believed in my words.

18 But, behold, Laman and Lemuel would not hearken unto my words; and being grieved because of the hardness of their hearts I cried unto the Lord for them.

19 And it came to pass that the Lord spake unto me, saying: Blessed art thou, Nephi, because of thy faith, for thou hast sought me diligently, with lowliness of heart.

I am grateful that it has been a few days since I've written because that extra time really helped me to understand this journey I'm on and how I'm feeling based on these verses.  I'm grateful for Nephi's honesty because he shares, indirectly, how there was a potential for him to rebel but because of his greater desires to know what his father knew he took his feelings to the Lord.  This was no idle convo either.  What Nephi doesn't tell us, the Lord does!  

This obviously isn't just a spur of the moment decision or one make without thought or preparation.  Nephi was really going deep with the Lord.  The words he uses is "cry unto the Lord".  This is not casual.  I've seen this wording before.  Enos uses forms of the same words "I cried unto Him (Enos 1:4)" after introducing us to his struggle..."wrestle" before the Lord.  This tells us what Nephi doesn't.

He was apparently torn.  What his father had been saying had been so distant previously, but now the words were much closer to home, affecting his person on a deeper level, more personal level than ever before.  Plus having to make the decision to follow the Lord's command and depart into the wilderness OR stay home in Jerusalem, where everything was familiar to him, would shake even the most valiant, fledgling soul.  So he cried unto the Lord.  

But...he did not do this, as I said, in the spur of the moment.  He had been diligently searching before his call to enter the wilderness.  He had been attempting to hearken unto the words of his father and know the true and living God for himself.  So now God was getting up close and far more personal than He'd been before.  This move likely meant to NEVER return to that which was familiar, constantly submitting to the word of God to make your every move.  So it had to be as much of a wrestle for Nephi, at his young age, as it was for Enos, who we suppose to have been far more mature.  Their stories unfold very similarly.  Because Nephi's heart is softened so he could believe...continue to believe all the words of his father.  Once that happens his concern is for his brothers.  

This is my story!

I came to believe in Father's words and His mission for my life as a daughter of Eve and a help meet to "Adam".  For me that means I'm to "help" my brothers "meet" God's expectations for their lives.  Now, I've done what I could, where I could.  Not any of them believe like Sam did.  And that's my challenge.  Most of them are like Laman and Lemuel, their hearts are hard.  They murmur because they don't know the dealings of God.  They don't understand them.  And they don't want to.  They think they already know it all...or know enough.  

I, like Nephi, am grieved.  I just finished fasting for them and me.  The men in my life were a major component of my fast because they won't believe.  Their hearts are softened towards me in some kinda way but not in the most important way and that grieves me.  I'm gonna continue to press forward though.  Their blessings are tied to mine, I know this, so I'm definitely gonna press through.  It's just frustrating at times.  I'm not going to let my brothers stand in the way of my faith, my righteousness or my blessings.  They will catch on one day.  

In the meantime I will continue to be diligent towards God and HIS purposes for my life with a lowliness of heart.  What more can I do but wait for my Sam experience?  And I know they will come...ONLY in God's good time and no sooner.  I'm staying willing in the meantime...willing to endure.  I claim that whole hearted-ly.   I Love my brothers.  Black men are my absolute weakness.  Not that I'm attracted to them sexually or anything like that, only Hassim (blush).  But I have this great Love, this great blessing of seeing them in their highest. I see them as God must have intended them to rise and be.  And as a daughter of Eve I feel a great responsibility to see them rise.  To awake and arise and put on their beautiful garments...  Love my brothers as if they were blood.  Technically I guess they are, being HOI men and me being an HOI woman.  I claim their deliverance and mine as I continue forward in faithfulness.  Thank You Father.  

In the name of Jesus Christ, Amen. 

Tuesday, September 10, 2013

1 Nephi 2:12-14 - Murmuring

1 Nephi 2

12 And thus Laman and Lemuel, being the eldest, did murmur against their father. And they did murmur because they knew not the dealings of that God who had created them.

13 Neither did they believe that Jerusalem, that great city, could be destroyed according to the words of the prophets. And they were like unto the Jews who were at Jerusalem, who sought to take away the life of my father.

14 And it came to pass that my father did speak unto them in the valley of Lemuel, with power, being filled with the Spirit, until their frames did shake before him. And he did confound them, that they durst not utter against him; wherefore, they did as he commanded them.

I am grateful to have this significant set of verses contrasting the difference between Nephi, Lehi, and Laman, Lemuel.  When the elders were holding a Book of Mormon class last year (Fall 2012) as I studied for class God revealed His explanation for why people murmur.  It is written plain as day here in verse 12.  You cannot miss the meaning if you know what you are looking for.  Sadly, I missed it for 23 years.  I imagine that is why people still murmur, even and especially those who profess their belief in God.  Apparently they do not recognize that when they murmur it's because they "[know] not the dealings of God"!  That same God they profess to believe in.  Think of Nephi's opening statement to the Book of Mormon.  It contained an acknowledgement of his challenges, but it quickly recognized the favor of God.  It even contains a short discourse on the difference in time between afflictions, which were many and throughout the course of his days.  BUT... the goodness of God...was found in ALL his days.  No murmuring there.  

And what about Lehi?  He saw the destruction of Jerusalem amongst the visions that were opened to his view yet he praised God.  He didn't praise Him for the destruction, he praised God because he knew the dealings of God and knew the destruction didn't come from Him directly.  He knew the destruction of Jerusalem would come because of the increasing wickedness of the people that would cause God to remove His power, goodness and mercy.  Then the people would destroy each other.  In the case for Jerusalem the people would come from without and without God's protection due to their wickedness they would be destroyed.  

Now that is historically speaking.  But really this is intensely personal for me and it should be for everyone in the church. Because whenever I see Jerusalem I think of my home ward and the boundaries it serves.  It makes me think of how people can be so corrupt at times setting the stage for the spiritual destruction of others.  This is evident in unhappy familial relationships, the ever-pervading gossip of unfulfilled peoples and the lack of discipleship, true discipleship which can only be reflected in our studying of the Master and following His teachings.  

You cannot, by dictionary definition, call yourself a disciple of Christ if you are not first a student of His life actions and teachings and second, one who perpetuates the same.  Most people are not....  This is setting the stage for the spiritual destruction of Jerusalem (literally and figuratively) because those who know the truth should, above all, be endeavoring to be disciples and should be putting themselves in positions to speak up for the Lord.  They should expect the persecution and ridicule as Lehi did because we have the stories to teach us.

Now with Lehi we have accounts of him being persecuted in and out of his own household.  It surely affected him as a parent!  As the wickedness of his children cuts deep into his heart, he was able to exercise some control over the situation though.  By allowing Laman and Lemuel to experience the power of the Spirit through him he was going to make sure they followed the Lord's way hoping it eventually would become theirs.  BUT as we know until every person takes on a personal mission to study and show themselves approved before God and develop a personal, deep and abiding relationship with Father, Son and Spirit, it does not matter how many experiences with Spirit they have if they are always outside of their own desire for them.  

This reminds me so much of so many, too many people who smile in your face but stab you in your back.  This happens when you are spoken of unfavorably or gossiped about when you are not around.  That shows a lack of character.  I imagine the worst is when you know you've said something they admit they were wanting, waiting or needing to hear but they never apply what you say!  They may be touched by the Spirit, endeavor to keep the commandments for the moment but forget about the long term.  That shows a lack of discipleship.  That's far worse than a lack a character ever will be in the eyes of God.

Without genuine, sincere repentance those same people will continue to walk in error or fall further in.  If I feel the sting of rejection, then how much more does Father feel it since they are His words spoke under the influence of Spirit?  How does the Savior feel since He died so there would be meaning behind the words that were expressed?  I imagine sadness.  I imagine wonder.  They knew when they spoke Their words they were clear.  I'm sure They wonder how those same words got so corrupted and the meaning messed up. 

Likely it's because people do not liken the word.  OR they liken themselves to the good parts of the story when truth be told we all in some way resemble the "bad" parts of the story.  I guarantee most people will look at these verses and discount their similarities to Laman and Lemuel especially because they are not trying to kill anyone and they believe in and serve God.  But let it be understood that these same people don't know their scriptures because regardless of how much you profess to Love and serve God if you murmur, SCRIPTURE says right here, you know not the dealings of God.  And the truth is, you're not trying to know either.  That's the first thing.  

The second thing is John taught that whoever hates his brother is a murderer.  Cuz see when God sees things, He sees things in black and white: wickedness and righteousness, Love and hate, truth and lies.  We add the shades of grey.  The commandment, the greatest commandment is to Love God and to Love others, essentially everyone, as you Love Him AND as you Love yourself.  The Love you have for yourself, God and others is the same exact kind of Love. 

The tragic thing about this commandment is it is true in all situations.  It is true whether people are aware of it, trying to live it or not.  That's likely why it's called the great commandment.  You can judge a person's Love of God by how they treat you.  It also tells you how they feel about themselves.  This gets tricky to assess if you don’t understand how it works but it’s true.  For instance…

I had an experience where I felt a particular person was worshipful in their attitude towards me.  This doesn’t mean they are worshipful in their attitude towards God, it actually means the opposite because they are seeking approval and validation from you instead of from God.  The reason why we would worship God is because of His glory, majesty, grandeur, etc.  He lavishes us with His attention when we do, whether we like it or not.  We know we can expect it though.  It’s really quite a beautiful thing.  He is the only One who deserves such an honor.  So when someone is worshipful in their behavior towards you then it also means their self-esteem is rooted in how the world views them, not God.  So they worship man in order to receive verbal praise.  

Another example is this person who allowed me and invited me to minister to them from the word for hours and hours after having been privy to a truly miraculous healing experience.  Feeling empowered by the Spirit, the day ended with feelings of camaraderie…at least on one end.  I’d had too many experiences with their double-mindedness that I didn’t even become blinded by their feelings of the moment.  I already knew they didn’t want to change for God and it took less than a week to confirm they wouldn’t.   Before the week was up this person had so twisted the word of God that they could justify their sins and live falsely under their self-assumed title of victim.  It was and continues to be disgusting as others support their behavior and allow them to walk a path out of favor with God.  The fact that they are without peace in their world is evidence of their level of favor because there is only one source of peace and that is the Prince of Peace.  He can only offer that solace if you are meek and lowly of heart, which represents a penitent nature. 

See... This person, like too many other people, believe they can live any kinda way they want and make up the gospel to justify their behavior.  In the end they will realize they have set the stage, laid the foundation, for their own destruction.  “If you Love me keep my commandments.”  We don’t get to pick and choose which ones.  And if we aren’t keeping the commandments or making a genuine attempt to do so we cannot profess to Love God, ourselves or His people, our literal brothers and sisters. 

This is where people will say or think "that’s impossible".  The only sufficient answer is “All things are possible through Christ which strengtheneth me.  (Philippians 4:13)"  That’s why Christ came!  He came to make it ALL possible or else He’s a liar!  If it wasn’t possible to attain everything He taught and/or Father commands, whether spoken Himself, through Christ, His apostles, prophets or disciples, then He is a liar.  They are liars.  BUT in God’s infinite wisdom Jesus called and eventually left behind some of the most heinous people to run His church specifically BECAUSE of where they came from and the context of their personal histories would so closely resemble our own!  This was so we could not only have a divine example in Jesus but also more realistic examples showing the process of perfection so we can see it CAN be done. Isn’t this what we experience with Nephi in just these 2 chapters alone so far?  And we also experience what happens when we don’t believe as the story of Laman and Lemuel unfolds before our eyes as well. 

Now all that was to say if you don’t Love your neighbor, having the same regard and care for him/her (1 Corinthians 12:25) as you do for God, you’re a murderer.  You’re killing their spirit with your private derision or open disdain.  That makes you more like Laman and Lemuel than anything else.  Is it worth it?  NOPE!  I’d suggest that keeping the commandments just because is far worse than walking away, especially if the commandments are kept half-heartedly.  It is better to claim ignorance and endeavor to know rather than to pretend you do know and be completely wrong in the end.  God KNOWS the difference and we’re accountable when all is revealed.  
I’m so grateful for the word of God and how the word is unfolded for me, to me, courtesy of the Word Himself.  Because of His relations with His prophets His words rule my life.  Thank You for that!  May I seek to know your dealings before I murmur against the experiences in my life.  May I hearken to the words of the prophets not just so I can follow unwillingly but so I can run the path you’ve placed before me and walk the stony road I’m called to trod and not be weary.  What an awesome gift!  And thank You for the work of Brother Joseph.  Praise to the man who communed with Thee Father; glory, honor and adoration to the Son who made even that possible.  Without You, where would I be?  Where would I be?  Not tryin to find out. 

In the name of Jesus Christ, Amen.